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I am a Cambodian-American who grew up in Cambodia during Vietnam war 1970 - 1975. The Khmer Rouge  led by Pol Pot captured the capital Phnom Penh. There was genocide all around, many citizens were subjected to forced labor or eliminated. Many had to seek refuge in labor camps. Children were taken from their parents and placed in separate and different labor camps. Those opposed to such instructions were eliminated in front of family members. As a result of Khmer Rouge forced regime occupation over two million people died from murder, sickness, force labor, exhausion and stavation. In 1979 the Vietnamese Army drove off The Khmer Rouge occupation and I was lucky to be among those that survived and fled to refugee camp in Khav I Dan (Thailand) and later to USA. My family have always been Budhists and so I was one. I was always unhappy, no peace of mind. I lived in fear, confusion, anger, anxiety, worry, depression and sickness. In July 2010, Jesus Christ was introduced to me by Christ Miracle Worship Ministries and I and my wife accepted Christ into our lives. It was a miracle which I cannot explain. Since then my life changed. I ceased being a Budhist and got baptized. Now I know that God has a plan for me.  Plan not to harm me, but prosper me and give me hope and future Jeremiah 29:11 I am now a happy man no more anger, no more worries as the srcipture teaches, no more depression, no more fears and now a follwer of Jesus Christ who has healed me of all sickness. Halleluyah!! In January 2011, by Gods grace our ministry, Christ Miracle Worship Ministries will support Agape International Missions in Asia to provide support for poor and introduce Jesus Christ to those who have not known Him. We would also be involved in humanitarian aid and disaster relief to the needy in Cambodia. 

Mr. James Sovady Sinn

My name is Thary Hou-Sinn, Cambodian - American, born and raised by my Grand Parents in Phnom Phenh Cambodia. At age 16, I was made to work by force as a result of  Khmer Rouge invasion and occupation of Cambodia. My Parents were threathtened by the Regime and forced me  to marry one of them. I later escaped to Thailand border in 1979 where I was lucky to be spotted by American Red Cross and came to USA in September 1982. It has not been rosy for me but I prayed that I be given strength to go through all problems and it was a miracle that a neighbor introduced me to Christ Miracle Worship Ministry, where the Pastor and Evangelist counselled me and my husband, introduced the Good News of God to me and I gave my life to Jesus Christ as my Messiah and Savior. Since then my life have changed and I became a Christian, having new spiritual life, living with God's wisdom and understanding. My life has been freed from worries, fear and divorce which at that time almost turn my life apart, thank God for my Counsellors. By Gods grace and His Glory, me and my husband have since then found hope, peace and true love in our lives now and ever after, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen I look forward to evangelizing to others who are lost in Cambodia to turn them to Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Thary Hou-Sinn

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